Ancient Skeletons found in Malawi

      According to the New York Times,archeologists discovered a skeleton that is older than the one they unearthed in Ethiopia two years ago. The skeleton found two years ago proved to be 4,500 years old. The Times reported that in Malawi a skeleton was found that can be dated back 8,100 years. 

     The information that the archeologists found provides evidence that the recent discovery "suggests an even deeper ancestry, raising the possibility that an earlier population of humans in West Africa diverged from the rest." Dr. Reich, a geneticist at Harvard, stated that the recent discoveries will include Africa "in the ancient genomics revolution." 
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     In the article, Europe was the first location where sicenties and archelogist were able to conduct indepth studies about ancient genetic history. This was primarily due to Europe's colder climate which can lead to the preservation of DNA. However, due to the recent studies, Dr Reich explained that "We're going to be able to do a lot of things in Africa that we've been able to do in Europe and else where."

     This article provides commentary for a larger conversation about the notion that Africa is the "cradle of civilization." This concept means modern populations descended from African groups. This idea is controversial seeing as how racism is still prevalent in society, and it leaves many people to disagree with the notion that their ancestry is ultimately of African origin.


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